Data: Import SCADA 14
© EMD International • • windPRO 4.0 • September 2023
“Use night mode” is activated in default to fulfill the requirement of chapter 6.3.2 to calculate the moving power
curves for day and night separately. The correct nominal wind speed and nominal power output of the day /
night mode should be defined here manually by the user. The default time for night in Germany is 10PM –
6AM. Any change or deactivation of this feature is reported in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”, which the
user is notified about.
Besides that, please pay attention to the checkbox “Time series in local time”.
This checkbox is activated in the default setup. It means it is assumed that the imported time series includes
already the switching between summer and winter time. If the imported time series does not have switching
between summer and winter time, the checkbox needs to be deactivated. This causes that the nighttime in
winter is still considered as 22-6h, but the nighttime in summer is shifted to 21-5h.
When the setup is finished, click “Load data”, so the time series are imported into the “Existing WTG objects”.
During the import of the time series, windPRO checks their consistency. Should there be a time stamp that is
not in the regular 10-minute format, windPRO will notify the user and request a corrective measure:
When confirming with Ok, windPRO will assign this irregular time stamp to the nearest regular one. This
means that windPRO firstly checks, whether the closest regular time stamp is missing. If so, windPRO assigns
the irregular one to the nearest missing one. Is the nearest time stamp not missing, windPRO checks whether
the second nearest time stamp is missing. If so, windPRO will use the irregular one on the position of the
second closes time stamp. If neither the closest nor the second closest regular time stamps are missing,
windPRO marks the irregular time stamp as duplicate. “Abort” will abort the import and no import of the data is
going to be done. The reason is that the inconsistent time stamps must be handled before the analysis
proceeds to the import of the status codes, as the presence of the irregular time stamps in the time series
could fully spoil the conversion of the status logs into the 10-minute time series. If needed, the user can
therefore abort the import here and double check the SCADA data, potentially export the SCADA data once
again from the SCADA tool.
It can also happen that there are some duplicates found in the time series, e.g., due to the assignment of the
irregular time stamps as per above or due to the switching between summertime and wintertime, which are not
clearly specified by the TR10. When there are some duplicates found, the user is notified: