13.1 Introduction, definitions and workflow overview ............................................................................. 2
13.1.1 Basic concept ........................................................................................................................ 2
13.1.2 Workflow overview ................................................................................................................. 2
13.2 Data format and project preparation .................................................................................................. 3
13.2.1 Format of the SCADA data .................................................................................................... 3
13.2.2 Format of external data ......................................................................................................... 5
13.2.3 Create Existing WTG objects ................................................................................................ 6
13.2.4 Create a new PERFORMANCE CHECK session ................................................................. 6
13.3 Data: Import SCADA ............................................................................................................................ 8
13.3.1 Import 10-minute data............................................................................................................ 8
13.3.2 Pair and load ........................................................................................................................ 12
13.3.3 Setup categories .................................................................................................................. 15
13.4 Data: Time series SCADA ................................................................................................................. 23
13.5 Data: Import SOLD ............................................................................................................................. 24
13.6 Data: Plausibility and Availability ..................................................................................................... 25
13.7 Site yield: Wind speed correlation ................................................................................................... 29
13.8 Site yield: Wind speed regression ................................................................................................... 31
13.9 Site yield: Moving power curves ...................................................................................................... 33
13.10 Result .............................................................................................................................................. 34
13.11 Quality factor .................................................................................................................................. 35
13.12 Report ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Introduction, definitions and workflow overview 2
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13.1 Introduction, definitions and workflow overview
Based on the “Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz 2017 (“EEG 2017”), the owners of German wind farms
commissioned after 1
of January 2018 are obliged to report the produced electricity after 5, 10 and 15 years
of operation. If the availability of a WTG drops below 97%, the electricity not produced due to technical
unavailability needs to be calculated. This and the complete calculation of the Site yield and Quality factor
are described in the Technical Guideline No. 10 (hereinafter TR10), which is the detailed methodology
description introduced in the EEG 2017, Annex 2.
The Quality factor calculation (TR10)” sub-module includes the full implementation of the TR10, rev. 2. In
order to use it, a separate license of this tool as well as a license for PERFORMANCE CHECK are required.
Besides these, the license for the module BASIS is required. Additionally, the module METEO is
recommended, as the TR10 stipulates the use of mesoscale and / or reanalysis data and such data (e.g.
EmdWrf Europe+, ERA5, MERRA2, etc.) can be downloaded with this module.
13.1.1 Basic concept
The concept of the TR10 tool fully follows the TR10 guideline, rev. 2. The analyzed WTG(s) are represented in
windPRO by “Existing WTG objects . The data import and the data analysis to Existing WTG objects is done
in the TR10 tool, which is a sub-module of the module PERFORMANCE CHECK. The basic concept of the
TR10 guideline, as well as of the TR10 tool, is as follows:
1) Assignment of status codes to categories (sorted from the highest to the lowest priority)
a. Category 2: Constraint or not available due to other matters
b. Category 4: Constraint due to optimized selling
c. Category 3: Constraint due to feed-in management
d. Category 1: Constraint due to permit matters
e. Category 0: Normal operation
2) Assignment of the 10-minute time stamps to the categories using the status codes and 1)
3) Calculation of the availability
a. 98% Simplified method 1
b. < 98%; ≥ 97% Simplified method 2
c. < 97% Detailed method
4) Should the availability be below 97%, electricity not produced due to unavailability (category 2) must
be calculated.
a. Calculation of correlations between wind speed time series
b. Creating consistent wind time series
c. Creating moving power curves
5) Generating results
13.1.2 Workflow overview
The evaluation described in this manual requires the licensed modules BASIS, PERFORMANCE CHECK,
TR10 and optionally METEO.
The workflow is as follows:
Create new “Existing WTG” objects.
Download meso- and / or reanalysis data using METEO object(s) (optional).
Start PERFORMANCE CHECK from the modules menu or use the shortcut in the toolbar.
Select “Quality factor calculation (TR10)” on the tab “Concept choice”.
Technically not available
Data format and project preparation 3
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Import 10-minute SCADA data with production, wind speed, wind direction, accumulated power
production and other required signals and load this data into the “Existing WTG” objects using the
“Paid and load” button.
Import and merge status codes from turbine log files to 10-minute production data using the “Setup
categories” button.
Import the “Sold electricity, the electricity sold under optimized marketing (if any) and electricity not
produced due to the constraints from the grid operator EinsMan
(if any).
Evaluate the plausibility of the imported data and calculate the availability.
For the WTG(s) with availability equal or higher than 97%, the simplified methods as per chapters 6.1
and 6.2 in the TR10 are applicable; proceed to the tab results.
For the WTG(s) with availability below 97%, the detailed procedure as per chapter 6.3 in the TR10 is
Create “Consistent wind speed time series” according to the TR10 chapter 6.3.1 using the tabs Wind
speed correlation” and “Wind speed regression”.
Create applicable power curves according to the TR10 chapter 6.3.2 using the tab “Moving power
Go to “Site yield Results” and use the buttons “Calculate production” and “Calculate site yield” to
get the results.
Go to the tab “Quality factor”. Entering the Referenzertrag
to the WTG(s) finishes the calculation of
the “Quality factor”, which is the final result of the whole calculation process.
Go to the Tab “Report” and generate the report(s) for the grid operator.
13.2 Data format and project preparation
13.2.1 Format of the SCADA data
The TR10 guideline stipulates that the raw SCADA data is used for the analysis. This assumes that the format
exported by the SCADA software is in a format that windPRO is capable to read. Standard export features of a
SCADA system typically contain an option to export the data in e.g. *.csv or *.txt files. These formats are
supported by windPRO.
There are two main data sources from the SCADA systems the 10-minute production data and the status
logs. Both use separate import mechanisms within the TR10 tool, as the structure of these sources is different. 10-minute SCADA data
The imported 10-minute production data must be in a matrix” form with header in the first line, with the time
stamp in the first column and with the data in the following columns. Besides this, the data importer is quite
flexible, and can handle data in single or multiple files, e.g. one turbine per file; all turbines in one file; one
turbine per day, per month etc. in one file.
Einspeisemanagement. Measure used by the TSOs in Germany in order to stabilize the electrical grid by
reducing the actual power generation in case of overproduction.
Reference production defined for each WTG type and hub height according to the EEG.
Data format and project preparation 4
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Figure 1 Example of SCADA data opened in MS Excel
It is important to have an identifier (ID) of the turbine in the file headers, in a column or in the file names (if one
file per turbine). Later this ID will be used to pair the SCADA data with an Existing WTG object. It is useful to
name the existing WTG(s) with the identical names that the SCADA system uses, as windPRO can then pair
the existing WTG objects with the corresponding SCADA data automatically. For the purpose of the TR10 it
can be also practical to use the EEG-Anlagenschlüssel
as WTG ID. More details regarding the WTG IDs can
be found in chapters 13.3.1 and 13.3.2. Status logs
The preferred formats of the status logs are *.csv or *.txt, too. The status logs are typically exported in a format
with the beginning and the end (or duration) of an event. The events are then described with status codes,
potentially followed by sub-codes. These are often followed by a description. The irregular structure in the
status logs is going to be transformed into a regular 10-minute structure by windPRO including the assignment
of the 10-minute time stamp to exactly one TR10 category according to TR10 requirements.
Figure 2 Status logs example
Some of the SCADA systems can deliver the 10-minute production time series including the already assigned
status code. The signals name can be named e.g. “First alarm in the 10-minute interval” or similar. The use of
such signal is not in compliance with the TR10. The assignment of the status codes to 10-minute time stamps
WTG specific ID used e.g. by invoicing. Consists of 33 symbols and begins with an “E”.
Data format and project preparation 5
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was done by the SCADA system itself, but it is required that this is done by an independent tool. Although the
use of such signal is not compliant with the TR10 text, the TR10 tool allows its use for testing purposes and
internal calculations. This triggers a deviation-warning and is reported in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”.
The import of the status codes is described in chapter 13.3.3.
13.2.2 Format of external data
On the top of the SCADA data, some external data is needed to finalize the analysis according to the TR10. EinsMan and optimized marketing start & end times
It can be the case that EinsMan events (category 3) or optimized selling events (category 4) do not have
explicit status codes in the WTG SCADA. If so, the beginnings and the ends of these events must be imported
from an external source. The format of the imported data can be again either a *.csv or *.txt file.
Figure 3 EinsMan and optimized selling example
The EinsMan Nr. in the screenshot above is just for instance; the only two necessary columns are the ones
with the start and end (resp. with the duration). The import of the EinsMan & Optimized selling data is
described in chapter Status codes library
According to the TR10, the events logged in the status log shall be assigned to TR10 categories and then to
the regular 10-minute time series. The assignment of the WTG-type specific status codes to the TR10
categories shall be done by an independent body that has proven to the FGW the necessary prerequisites and
qualifications of the authorised persons. The approval of the authorised person is granted by the responsible
FGW advisory board "EEG-Kategorisierung".
The final structure of the certified list is still a subject of discussions. The current implementation in the TR10
assumes the use of a list in a form of *.csv or *.txt file with a header in the first line and the list of the status
codes with a main code, optionally secondary code, text description and corresponding TR10 category for
each of the status codes in the lines below the header.
Figure 4 Status list example
Data format and project preparation 6
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A detailed description can be found in chapter Sold electricity, electricity not produced due to EinsMan and electricity produced under
optimized marketing
These three data sources shall be compiled in one file. They all represent the SOLD electricity (MWh). In other
words the invoiced electricity. The electricity produced and sold under normal” conditions to the grid, the
electricity produced and sold under special conditions (optimized marketing) and the electricity not produced
due to the feed-in management (EinsMan).
The not produced electricity due to EinsMan events is not calculated within the TR10 analysis. The methods
for the calculations are described in a separate guideline
The foreseen format is the produced (resp. compensated) MWh with the resolution of one month that the
owner of the WTG(s) got paid for. E.g. the values from the invoices sent to the TSO. These need to be
converted into the matrix format with header in the first line and the time series (in a 1-month resolution) in the
first column.
Figure 5 "Sold" example
More details can be found in chapter 13.5.
13.2.3 Create Existing WTG objects
Either manually by inserting an Existing WTG object , copy-paste the coordinates from a spread sheet or
download turbine positions directly through the Online WTG Data tool . Alternatively, you can convert New
WTG objects into Existing WTG objects by copy-pasting and using the paste option “Edit object(s) before
pasting”. Remember to assign an ID to the WTG object to either Description or User label. It is practical to use
the WTG ID from the SCADA system as “Description” and the Anlagenschlüssel as “User label”:
Figure 6 Existing WTG object
13.2.4 Create a new PERFORMANCE CHECK session
Start PERFORMANCE CHECK module using “Quality factor calculation” from the tab “Loads & Operation“:
Leitfaden zum Einspeisemanagement
Data format and project preparation 7
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Figure 7 Starting the module from Loads & Operation tab
Create a new session and name it. As soon as done, confirm with Ok and enter the session by double clicking
it in the list of the sessions.
Figure 8 Create a new TR10 session
Currently, the PERFORMANCE CHECK module supports three different concept choices:
- Model validation / calibration / performance check
- Post construction evaluation following IEC 61400-26-1 and 61400-26-2
- Quality factor calculation (TR10)
In order to proceed with the TR10 analysis, please select the TR10 concept and confirm with Ok. As always,
windPRO is recommending the next move by coloring with green color. In order to proceed with another kind
of analysis, please follow the dedicated manuals.
Figure 9 PERFORMANCE CHECK - Concept choice
Data: Import SCADA 8
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13.3 Data: Import SCADA
To run the TR10 analysis (and any PERFORMANCE CHECK analysis in general), you need to import SCADA
data, through the following process:
Prepare / export the SCADA data as *.csv or *.txt files from the SCADA system.
Create Existing WTG objects (including IDs).
Start PERFORMANCE CHECK and load the data.
Setup the import filter (Auto detect).
Pair and load.
Merge the status logs with the 10-minute-based time series.
13.3.1 Import 10-minute data
The structure of the import filter in the module PERFORMANCE CHECK (no matter on the concept choice) is
similar to the METEO object.
Figure 10 Add files
The first step is to import the 10-minute SCADA data from the WTG(s). windPRO is advising the next logical
step of yours and proposes it by green coloring. Use the button “Add file(s)” (or “Add folder”) and select the
files (or folder with files).
Figure 11 Define signals (1)
Data: Import SCADA 9
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During the very first import of 10-minute data, the autodetect function (1) is typically very helpful. With this,
windPRO tries to identify the signals in the headers of the 10-minute files. The user has the option to modify
the suggested structure and specify the line with the header, the first line with data and field separators. At any
step, the user can preview the file structure (using the button “View file”) and adjust file formats if required.
When the setup of the import filter is finished, it can be saved with “Save” (2) in *.pci format and re-used, e.g.
when the user does an analysis of the same project once again from scratch or when preparing an analysis of
the WTG type with the same or similar structure of the SCADA data. In such case, the *.pci file can be simply
loaded with the “Load” button (3). The small “+” button in the left bottom corner (4) allows the user to add lines
(signals) manually.
Figure 12 Define signals (2)
Following signals are necessary / recommended for a TR10 analysis:
Date/Time (mandatory)
Wind speed (mandatory)
Wind direction, resp. nacelle position (mandatory)
Production (mandatory)
Cumulative production (not-presence triggers a deviation to TR10)
Round per minute (not-presence triggers a deviation to TR10)
Pitch angle (not-presence triggers a deviation to TR10)
Ambient temperature (not-presence triggers a deviation to TR10)
Air pressure (recommended)
Error code (if available in the 10-minute time series. Optional, but not in compliance with TR10).
In case of missing signals that are relevant for the plausibility check according to the TR10 chapter 6.3.1,
following warning appears after moving to “Pair and load”:
Data: Import SCADA 10
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The user can decide to ignore it, which causes that the plausibility check will be performed using only the
available signals. Such incompliance with the TR10 is documented in the report.
For some signals it is necessary to define the sub-type: Is the wind speed signal representing the mean, max,
min or std? Is the production signal accumulated? Once the sub-type is defined, and the units are set, the data
is converted and appears in the rightmost column. Please note that you also must specify the unit for the time
stamp. Specific care must be taken in setting the unit of the power signal correctly. It is, however, at any time
possible to return and change the unit. In such case, the data must be re-loaded using “Pair and load”.
Figure 13 Signals multi-edit
Multi-editing of the signal is possible by marking the signals you want, dragging the mouse or by Shift-click”
(1), specify the type, sub-type and the unit (2) and finally pressing “Apply” (3).
Sometimes, it is necessary to change text to numbers. E.g. if your date stamp contains text like DEC you can
translate this into 12. Or if invalid data is marked NAN you can change it to -999.
A very important step is the setup of the time stamp, resp. whether the SCADA data represents the beginning
of the period or the end of the period. This selection is in default setup empty and the user is not allowed to
continue in the analysis until either the end of the beginning of a period is selected.
For example, does the time stamp “02.10.2018 10:00” represent the interval “09:50 – 10:00” or “10:00
10:10”? Typically, the manufacturers are using the format End of a period”, but there can be exceptions. If you
are not sure, please clarify with the WTG manufacturer.
In the next step of the process, it is necessary to assign the production data to a specific WTG. There are
several options how to define the WTG ID setup. The WTG ID can be located either in a file(s) with the SCADA
data or in the name(s) of the file(s). In case you know where to find the WTG-ID, you can directly set it up (1).
If you do not know, where to find it, a WTG-ID Guide will help you with the necessary specifications (2).
Data: Import SCADA 11
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Figure 14 WTG ID setup using the guide
For example, the advanced setup can be helpful when importing data from more files, where the WTG ID is a
part of the file name. You can define the symbol before and after the WTG ID string. E.g., if the names of the
IDs of the WTG(s) are the same as the names of the files, the determiner behind the WTG ID string is the
symbol “.”:
Figure 15 Advanced WTG ID setup
Another option is to have the WTG ID in the header directly next to the names of each of the signals. If this is
your case, mark the position (click on it with the mouse…), where the ID of the first WTG can be found (red
marked), then do the same for the second WTG (green marked) and optionally for the last WTG (violet).
Data: Import SCADA 12
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Figure 16 WTG ID setup using ID in Header
If the setup of the WTG ID has been successful, they will now show up:
Figure 17 WTG ID check
13.3.2 Pair and load
When the Import filter is done, you can proceed with the loading of the data using the Pair and load” button.
Should windPRO detect that some signals essential for the TR10 analysis are missing, you might be warned.
Use the green “Add” button to add the Existing WTG objects” representing the WTGs that are going to be the
subject of the assessment.
Then the Select WTG(s)” window appears. Activate the layer with the existing WTG objects that are the
subject of the analysis. This is done by checking the checkbox by one (or more) layers in the upper part of the
Data: Import SCADA 13
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Figure 18 Select existing WTG objects
When done, select the existing WTG object(s) by checking their checkboxes in the lower part of the window.
When all WTGs are selected, confirm with Ok.
In case the naming convention of the existing WTG objects is identical to the WTG ID used in the files with the
SCADA data, windPRO will automatically pair the objects with the production data using the button “Auto pair.
If the automatic pairing is not possible, the user can pair them manually using the drop-down selection menu
that is available in each line, resp. by each of the WTGs see column “WTG ID from import”.
Figure 19 Load SCADA data into the existing WTG objects
Before loading the data with the green button “Load data” and leaving the “Pair and load” window, double
check and potentially correct the nominal wind speed(s) and nominal power output(s) by the day and
night modes. These are used for the calculation of the moving power curves according to chapter 6.3.4 in the
Data: Import SCADA 14
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“Use night mode” is activated in default to fulfill the requirement of chapter 6.3.2 to calculate the moving power
curves for day and night separately. The correct nominal wind speed and nominal power output of the day /
night mode should be defined here manually by the user. The default time for night in Germany is 10PM
6AM. Any change or deactivation of this feature is reported in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10, which the
user is notified about.
Besides that, please pay attention to the checkbox “Time series in local time”.
This checkbox is activated in the default setup. It means it is assumed that the imported time series includes
already the switching between summer and winter time. If the imported time series does not have switching
between summer and winter time, the checkbox needs to be deactivated. This causes that the nighttime in
winter is still considered as 22-6h, but the nighttime in summer is shifted to 21-5h.
When the setup is finished, click “Load data”, so the time series are imported into the “Existing WTG objects”.
During the import of the time series, windPRO checks their consistency. Should there be a time stamp that is
not in the regular 10-minute format, windPRO will notify the user and request a corrective measure:
When confirming with Ok, windPRO will assign this irregular time stamp to the nearest regular one. This
means that windPRO firstly checks, whether the closest regular time stamp is missing. If so, windPRO assigns
the irregular one to the nearest missing one. Is the nearest time stamp not missing, windPRO checks whether
the second nearest time stamp is missing. If so, windPRO will use the irregular one on the position of the
second closes time stamp. If neither the closest nor the second closest regular time stamps are missing,
windPRO marks the irregular time stamp as duplicate. “Abort” will abort the import and no import of the data is
going to be done. The reason is that the inconsistent time stamps must be handled before the analysis
proceeds to the import of the status codes, as the presence of the irregular time stamps in the time series
could fully spoil the conversion of the status logs into the 10-minute time series. If needed, the user can
therefore abort the import here and double check the SCADA data, potentially export the SCADA data once
again from the SCADA tool.
It can also happen that there are some duplicates found in the time series, e.g., due to the assignment of the
irregular time stamps as per above or due to the switching between summertime and wintertime, which are not
clearly specified by the TR10. When there are some duplicates found, the user is notified:
Data: Import SCADA 15
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All duplicates are deleted automatically and documented in the pdf report. Please select Ok, leave the “Pair
and load” window using “Close” and move directly to the assignment of the status codes to the TR10
categories using the button “Setup categories”. It is marked with the green color again and you can find it just
below the “Pair and load” button.
13.3.3 Setup categories Basic description
The “Setup categories”-feature (tab “Import SCADA”) helps the user to import the status logs into the TR10
tool and to merge the status codes in the form “beginning – end”, resp. “beginning + duration” with the
production data in a regular 10-minute format. Concept choice
The user can select from two concept choices when entering the “Setup categories:
Figure 20 Setup categories - Concept choice
Status signals and/or categories in time series
As already mentioned in chapter 13.2.1, some SCADA systems are capable to export the 10-minute time
series incl. the status codes. Typically, the code represents the first code activated in the 10-minute time
series. This approach is not in compliance with the TR10, as the SCADA system cannot be considered as
independent tool. But on the other hand, it might be the case that the user decides to make the assignment of
the status codes and TR10 categories into the 10-minute time series outside of windPRO in an inhouse tool. In
such case this feature will help. As windPRO cannot guarantee that the assignment of the TR10 categories
into the 10-minute time series was done correctly, the selection of this option will trigger a deviation to the
TR10, and it will be documented in the “Deviations from TR10pdf report.
In case this option was selected, the only relevant tab from the “Manage categories” setup is the tab “Manage
status signals” – skip to chapter
Separate status signals
This is the foreseen way of a TR10 compliant evaluation and therefore this option is always pre-selected. The
user will import step by step the necessary data. By this, the status logs in the format “beginning end” and
the status log library can be merged as well as overlapping states can be evaluated and are prioritized. This
results in a regular time series in 10-minute resolution where each of the time stamp is assigned to exactly one
TR10 category.
Data: Import SCADA 16
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The status logs are separate files logging all operational states of a WTG. The main difference in comparison
to the production data is the format. The production data are in a regular 10-minute format; the status logs are
saved in the format “from to” or “from + duration”.
The way how to import the status logs in windPRO is similar to the process of the import of the production data
described in previous steps. The first step is to import the file with the status logs (1). When imported, the
import filter must be defined. windPRO needs to understand, in which column to search each of the signals (2).
The next step is to define the format of the date and time. This is not recognized from windPRO automatically
but must be typed manually (3). The symbols for “day month year” are d.m.y”, the symbols for “hour
minute second” are “h:m:s”. The WTG ID must be defined here too (4). This is identical to the definition of the
WTG ID during the import of 10-minute SCADA data described in chapter 13.3.1. The option to save / load the
import filter in the *.pci format that was introduced in chapter 13.3.1. is available here, too (5).
Figure 21 Import status logs
As soon as you are done with the import of the status codes, it might be the case that you need to import some
external data that are not part of the SCADA status logs mentioned already in chapter 13.2.2, point 1.
Some of the SCADA systems have an explicite status code for EinsMan and Optimized marketing, some don’t.
If there are such signals available in your analysis, you can fully ignore the tabs EinsMan (6) and Optimized
selling (7); they are deactivated in the default setup. If such explicite status codes are not available, you can
import them from an external source in the format described in chapter 13.2.2.
Data: Import SCADA 17
© EMD International www.emd.dk windPRO 4.0 September 2023 „Einspeisemanagement and Optimized selling
The default setup is “EinsMan (resp. Optimized selling) included in the status logs”. This means that the events
that belong to these categories have an explicit status code directly in the SCADA system. Shouldn’t this be
the case, you can deactivate the checkbox and upload the data manually from an external source.
Figure 22 Import Einspeisemanagement and / or Optimized selling
The expected format of the data is: “Start date and time End date and time” and the import filter logics are
identical to the ones of the status logs. The only difference is that the feature must be activated by unchecking
the checkbox “EinsMan (resp. Optimized selling) included in the status logs”.
Some more information about the formats of imported external (= non-SCADA) data are in chapter 13.2.2.
The data imported here are valid for all WTGs and therefore there is no setup of the WTG ID here. As the
result, windPRO will combine the times from the status logs and the times from external sources representing
the optimized selling. All situations imported using the “EinsMan” tab will be asigned to the TR10 category 3 for
all WTGs. And similar for the optimized selling these situations will be asigned to category 4 for all WTGs. Pairing to the WTG objects
The way how to use the “Pair and load” feature here is identical to the way of use during the import of the 10-
minute SCADA data described in chapter 13.3.2. If the IDs of the existing WTG objects in windPRO and the
IDs used within the status logs are identical, the “Auto pair” will automatically assign them. If this is not the
case, you can assign manually by using the drop-down menus in the rightmost column by each of the WTG.
Figure 23 Merge Status logs with existing WTG objects
Data: Import SCADA 18
© EMD International www.emd.dk windPRO 4.0 September 2023 Manage status signals
The idea of TR10 is that there is going to be a list of all available status codes for each particular WTG and
that each of the status codes is going to be assigned to exactly one TR10 category by an independent body
that has proven to the FGW the necessary prerequisites and qualifications of the authorised persons.
Figure 24 Manage status signals
The aim of the step in this tab is to merge the status logs uploaded in the previous steps with the library / list
(ideally certified), where all of the existing status codes (for the particular WTG type) are assigned to exactly
one TR10 category. The data can be either uploaded from the clipboard (using copy-paste e.g. from a spread
sheet) or imported from an external file (in *.csv or *.txt format). Another option is to use the status signals
directly from the status logs, if they were recorded and saved directly by the SCADA system.
The imports from a file and from the clipboard are very similar to each other and very similar to the import of
the status codes. The first steps are the import of the data itself (1) and the setup of the data types (2).
Figure 25 Import status list from file (or from clipboard)
Data: Import SCADA 19
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It might be necessary to apply the “Multiplying factor” (3):
Some manufacturers use the so called “Primary and Secondary status signals”. Unfortunately, windPRO
cannot handle such data structure in its native form, as it only can work with single and unique status codes.
Therefore, the “Multiplying factor” was introduced. The idea is to multiply the primary error code with some big
value, e.g. 1000. windPRO multiplies then each primary status code by 1000 and adds the secondary status
code to this number. E.g. for a primary status code 12 and secondary status code 2 the result will be 12002,
which represents a unique status code for the further process of the analysis. As soon as you defined explicitly
a primary and secondary code (2), the import setup will not allow you to leave until the multiplier is defined:
When the setup is finished, you can save it in the *.pci format, so you can use it in the future (4).
As soon as everything is settled, confirm the setup with Ok and leave the window. windPRO will inform you
about the amount of the identified status codes in the library:
Confirming this notification with Ok will close the import of the status codes library and will show you the list of
imported status codes:
Data: Import SCADA 20
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Figure 26 Imported status list
This list contains all status codes found in the library, where all of them are assigned to exactly one category.
You have the option to change the category of any of the status codes here, but be aware that if you do so, the
category update explanation will be requested, and the change will be documented in the pdf report
“Deviations from TR10”.
It is necessary that all status codes that were recorded during the operation via the status logs find their
equivalent (assigned to the TR10 category) in the overall list that you imported in this step. If this is not the
case, which means if there was an event during the operation with a code that is not present on the list,
windPRO will notify you and will create the respective status code in the list automatically. Such a code will be
marked with “[AUTO]” and will be automatically assigned to the category 2, which means WTG technically not
available. The issue will be documented in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”.
Using the Import / Export buttons you can always save or load saved setups. Similar to import filters for the 10-
minute SCADA data or for the status logs. Load/review
Figure 27 Use “Load” to merge Status logs with time series
windPRO is again suggesting the next step with green, which is also the only possible step at this point to
load the imported data into the time series with the button “Load”. When done, all status signals from the status
log in the format “from toor “from + duration” format are assigned to the regular 10-minute time series and
each of the 10-minute time stamp is assigned to one of the categories according to the TR10.
Data: Import SCADA 21
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As soon as the upload is done, you can review all 10-minute time stamps and the status signals assigned to
these time stamps. In the lower part of the window, the overlapping status signals are displayed (if any):
Figure 28 Final time series with status codes and TR10 categories assigned to each 10-min. time stamp
The time frames with potentially overlapping events are handled in compliance with the TR10. The longer one
has a priority and at identical length of two or more events, the event belonging to category 2 has the priority,
followed by 4, 3, 1 and 0.
Manual assignment
The button Manual assignment allows two options. Via “Reset”:
an already executed import of the status signals into the 10-minute time series can be deleted from the tab
Time series SCADA. The second option (by simply clicking at the button, not the arrow on its right side) is the
manual assignment of one or several status signals relevant for one 10-minute time stamp. This can be
relevant for faulty assigned status signals. A manual assignment needs to be documented in the appearing
text field and is documented in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”.
Data: Import SCADA 22
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Figure 29 Manual re-assignment
Status signal frequency
This tab gives the user an overview of the frequencies of the particular status codes. Such overview / analysis
is not required by the TR10 and has therefore just informational value here.
The buttons “Preview” on the right side of the recorded status signal allows you to display the relationship of
each of the particular status signals to the power curve:
Figure 30 Example of a particular status code vs. contractual power curve
Go back to the Load/review tab and when ready, click Ok and all data in the changed structure, which means
in the 10-minute format, will be saved into the “Existing WTG objects”.
Data: Time series SCADA 23
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13.4 Data: Time series SCADA
There is no setup option available at this tab at this stage. The imported time series can be checked on this
tab, before proceeding further in the analysis. Typical indicator, that something could have gone wrong during
the import, is a high number of “Out of range” values. Sometimes the reason is an incorrect setup of the import
filter for the import of 10-minute data. E.g. an incorrect unit or decimal separator.
The data can be marked, copied to the clipboard (the use of the button “Copy” is recommended) and pasted
into an external tool, e.g. MS Excel.
Figure 31 Time series with assigned codes and TR10 categories after plausibility checks and
processing of gaps
The button “Visualisation” in the right bottom corner leads the user to the time series in a graphical form:
Data: Import SOLD 24
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Figure 32 All signals can be visualized like in a METEO object
13.5 Data: Import SOLD
The sold data are imported as monthly production data. The current windPRO version does not support the
import of a time series (e.g. Lastgänge
), as this would not be in compliance with TR10.
The first step is to create a new grid connection point:
As soon as created, a new line and the “Load data” button appears in the right window.
Figure 33 Mask for import of sold electricity
The “Load data” button brings the user to a table that is expecting the import of monthly data: monthly
produced energy, compensated energy due to EinsMan and energy sold via optimized marketing. All are in
MWh. You can either manually type the values into the table or use the button “Load data from file or
A time series with production measured at the grid connection point. Normally in 15-minute resolution.
Data: Plausibility and Availability 25
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For importing the data from the clipboard or from a file, there is an import mask similar to one used for the
import of the status codes:
Figure 34 Import sold electricity (and eventually EinsMan and Optimized selling)
The assumption is that the source is a table with the relevant columns and monthly resolution. Month & year,
Produced electricity, EinsMan, Optimized selling. See more details about the expected data format in chapter
It is possible to create more grid connection points when there is more than one grid connection point. The
assignment is then done by the drop-down menus of the WTGs:
As soon as the first grid connection point is selected for one of the WTGs, windPRO offers the option to assign
all WTGs to the same grid connection point automatically:
13.6 Data: Plausibility and Availability
Before any calculation is available here, all checkboxes need to be checked and necessary descriptions need
to be filled. These declarations are formal requirements defined in the TR10.
Data: Plausibility and Availability 26
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Figure 35 Plausibility checks
When this step is finished, please proceed with the button “Calculate time slices”. This calculates the total
portions of each of the EEG 2017 categories during the analyzed time frame. Based on this result, the
calculation of the TR10 availability can be done.
Figure 36 Calculate time slices
When done, the buttons “Missing data” and “Calculate availability” become available. The “Missing data” is not
necessary to use. It gives an overview of missing data:
Data: Plausibility and Availability 27
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Figure 37 Calculate missing data
Proceed with the “Calculate availability” button:
Figure 38 TR10 conform availability
The TR10 availability can be displayed on monthly basis too:
Figure 39 Monthly availability
Data: Plausibility and Availability 28
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This has just informational value, as the TR10 does not require monthly availabilities.
The resulting availability for each turbine decides whether the calculation of the Site Yield and Quality Factor
will be finalized using the simplified method 1 (green), simplified method 2 (yellow) or using the detailed
method (orange), as described in chapter 13.1.1.
After this step is done, a plausibility check needs to be done. The plausibility check in the TR10 tool fulfills the
check defined in chapter 5.2. It defines, how the so-called SF
shall be calculated, so the electrical losses
can be removed from the 10-minute time series, as described in chapter 5.3. The SF
needs to be calculated
on a monthly basis and is considered as plausible, when being in the range 87% ≤ SF
≤ 109%.
Figure 40 Plausibility check of production time series from SCADA vs. sold electricity
Each SF
in this range is marked asPassed” in the tool and no further action is needed. The SF
outside the specified range are marked as “failed” and need to be handled.
The user has three options how to handle the failed plausibility checks month by month. No matter which of the
options has been selected, a description describing the reasons for the failed check is required before the user
is allowed to leave the plausibility check window. A failed plausibility check and the respective correction are
documented in the report.
If all WTGs have reached an availability of 97% or higher, the TR10 tool guides you directly to the sub-tab
“Results” on the tab Site yield”. Should one or more WTGs be below this limit, you need to perform the
detailed analysis, which means to calculate the fictitious electricity that would have been produced during
category 2 events. The theory behind the calculation of the Site Yield depending on the availability are
described in the TR10 chapters 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
Scaling factor
Site yield: Wind speed correlation 29
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13.7 Site yield: Wind speed correlation
When the availability of one or more WTGs drops below 97%, the tab Wind speed correlation” becomes
Figure 41 Correlation calculation
The TR10 presumes that as soon as the WTG is not producing, the wind measured by the nacelle
anemometer is not reliable anymore, as the nacelle transfer function (NTF) is only valid for normal operation.
Therefore, it is necessary to correct wind speeds in non-normal conditions and fill gaps in the wind speed time
series in order to generate a consistent wind speed time series. This is done by the replacement of all wind
speeds of a turbine during category 2 events with a source with the best correlation under normal operation.
Use the button “Calculate” to calculate the correlation of the available sources of wind data among each other
under normal operation (Category 0). The correlation calculation is performed on a monthly basis and sector
wise (with north sector defined as ≥345° - ˂15°) and are always done using 3-months windows. This means
that the month, that the correlation is calculated for, uses the data from that month + the data from the months
before and after this month. E.g. the correlations for July are based on June, July and August. The minimal
amount of samples in a 3-month slot is 8640. If this cannot be achieved in a correlation calculation in a month,
the month selection must be extended by one month before and one month after the currently selected time
frame. The named example time frame would be then extended by May and September. In case the total
amount of the 8640 samples is achieved, but the amount of the samples in one of the sectors does not reach
12, then the time frame is to be extended in the similar logic (= plus one month before and after) just for that
particular sector.
Before proceeding with the calculation of the correlation, please note the two setup-buttons on the right side.
Reference database
The TR10 allows to use external sources to create the so-called consistent wind time series. Besides the
nacelle wind speeds from the nearby WTGs, it is allowed to use e.g. data from nearby met masts as well as
reanalysis and / or mesoscale models, too. In windPRO, these are represented via METEO objects. They can
be activated by simply activating the corresponding checkbox of the selected source, resp. by the selected
Site yield: Wind speed correlation 30
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Figure 42 External meteorological time series
Using the button “Import online data”, it is possible to create new METEO objects from online sources available
at the EMD server.
Setup wind direction master
The WTGs within a wind farm typically show some deviations in the wind direction measurement, resp. in the
nacelle positions. Although the nacelle is correctly positioned towards the wind, the recorded wind direction
might be incorrect. In case the differences in wind directions within the WTGs are too high, it is recommended
not to use them directly and to define a wind direction master manually. It is possible to select either one of the
WTGs or a METEO object.
Figure 43 Selection of wind direction master
Site yield: Wind speed regression 31
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After the reference METEO objects were added (if necessary) and as soon as the wind direction master was
defined (if necessary), the only way how to proceed is to use the button “Calculate”.
When the calculation is finished, you will see a graphical overview in the left side of the window (1). This part
represents a matrix of turbine and reference data, where correlations of all inputs for selected months and
sectors are compared. When you move with the mouse pointer within this area, you will see some details in
(2). This represents the correlation calculated from a source to another source. The grey part of the left window
represents the WTGs with the availability above 97%; they are available as sources for the correlations, but
the correlations are not calculated for them from the other sources, as it is not necessary, because the detailed
calculation is done only for WTGs with availability below 97%.
Figure 44 Calculated correlations overview
The monthly correlations are displayed in the right part of the window (3). The numbers in the directional sector
columns represent the amount of the months that were used for the calculation of the correlation. 3 months is
the minimum period which has to be applied. This overview might be a bit extensive and therefore there is the
checkbox “Show only expanded” (4). This checkbox is in the default setup activated and assures that all
months with enough data within the standard time-range (8640 samples within 3 months) are not visible. The
whole table can be exported into the clipboard using the button “Export”.
13.8 Site yield: Wind speed regression
After the wind speed correlations calculated for the normal operation (category 0) were calculated on the 3-
month basis and sector wise, the next step is to use the best correlating sources to replace the wind speeds of
all time stamps belonging to category 2 at all WTGs with an availability below 97%. In other words all wind
speeds of the WTGs with availability below 97% will be replaced by wind speeds of the best correlating source.
The best correlating source always bases minimum on a 3-month period. The whole method is described in
the TR10, chapter 6.3.1.
After clicking at “Wind speed correction”, windPRO will start replacing wind speeds of time stamps belonging to
category 2; no matter whether due to unavailability or due to data gaps. As soon as the process is done, the
results in form of a small table (1) and a “DNA graph” (2) are shown. The table refers to the average wind
Site yield: Wind speed regression 32
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speed of the original wind speed time series, to the average wind speed of the new (consistent) wind speed
time series, difference (in %) between the original and the consistent average wind speed and in the last
column about the amount of replaced samples (in %). There is a small legend in the right corner (3), explaining
the different colors in the “DNA graph”. The grey color by the first 3 WTGs means that there was no calculation
of the consistent wind time series necessary, as the availability of these WTGs was not below 97%.
Figure 45 Calculation of consistent wind time series
Notice the orange color in the graph, which is used for missing data. The presence of the orange color in the
graph means that not all wind speeds of time stamps belonging to category 2 could have been replaced, as
there was no source found to replace from. E.g. during an overall data outage, when all analyzed WTGs have
no data and there is no external source to get the data from (reanalysis, mesoscale model). Such situation is
not in compliance with the TR10 and although the user is allowed to continue and to finish the analysis, an
incompliance warning is triggered, and the incompliance is documented in the pdf report “Deviations from
In order to solve this problem, the simplest solution is to go one step back to the “Wind speed correlations” tab
and to download some online data (reanalysis, mesoscale) from the EMD server. The correlations with these
sources are typically not perfect but is still better than an incompliance due to missing data.
There are some visualizing and export features available on the tab “Wind speed regression”:
- Show time series Visualization of the time series in a graphical form similar to the point 13.4.
- Create METEO object(s) Creates new METEO object(s) with the consistent wind speed time series.
- Export time series (CSV) Exports the consistent wind speed time series into a *.csv file.
Export correction information (CSV) Exports the details about the replacements that have been done
in the time series.
Site yield: Moving power curves 33
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13.9 Site yield: Moving power curves
As the real-life power curve typically differs from the expected / guaranteed and can change in time, the TR10
defines that 3-month moving power curves need to be derived from the SCADA data in order to determine the
not produced electricity for the WTGs with an availability of 97% or lower. Moving power curves base on all
time stamps belonging to the categories 0 and 1 and are to be used for the calculation of the not produced
electricity due to category 2 events. The tab “Moving power curves” contains two functionalities the button
“Calculate” and the check “Air density correct”. As soon as the button is used, the moving power curves for
each of the 3-month slots are calculated. “Air density correct” is checked in default which means the air density
correction is done according to the TR10 chapter 6.3.2. Unchecking will provoke a deviation from TR10 which
will be documented in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”.
The power curves are calculated separately for day and night mode, as required in the TR10. The day and
night setup is used from the data entered during the “Pair and load” step – see chapter 13.3.2.
The power curves are calculated for 1m/s wind speeds bins: 0,5m/s v < 1,5m/s; 1,5 m/s v < 2,5m/s; etc.
There are some criteria that need to be fulfilled in terms of the amount of available samples. The minimal total
amount of available samples (= categories 0 and 1) is 8.640 (60 days). In case one of the wind speed bins has
less than 6 samples, the power curve shall be interpolated for that particular bin using the bins below and
above the missing one. Please see the TR10, chapter 6.3.2 for more details regarding this topic.
Figure 46 Calculated power curve(s)
There are some view-setup options on the right side of the tab. None of the changes here has any effect to the
calculation, but only on what is being displayed. The user can select, whether the day or night power curve
should be displayed, etc.
Result 34
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13.10 Result
This tab gives an overview of the results so far. Click “Calculate production”. This step will sum up all 10-
minute production values that has been imported from the SCADA system (E
After E
has been calculated and the plausibility check has been done, the button Calculate site yield”
becomes available. As soon as this one is used, you will see further results required by the TR10.
Figure 47 Results (not scaled to 5 years)
- E
is the scaled production, resp. the production cleaned by electrical losses (TR10 chapter
- E
is the electricity not produced due to the constrains by the TSO, where this not produced
electricity is compensated.
- Anteil is a factor used for this calculation described in the TR10 chapter 5.4 (as well as E
- E
is the electricity produced under optimized marketing.
- E
is then the fictitious electricity not produced due to the TR10 availability below or equal to 97%
according to the TR10 chapter 6.3.
- SE
is the Site Yield and it is:
o 𝑺𝑬
= 𝑬
+ 𝑬
+ 𝑬
for WTGs with availability 98% or higher.
o 𝑺𝑬
∗ 𝑬
+ 𝑬
+ 𝑬
for WTGs with availability between 97% and 98%, where the "𝑉
" is the availability
of the WTG “ i ”.
o 𝑺𝑬
= (𝑬
+ 𝑬
+ 𝑬
+ 𝑬
) * 98%
for WTGs with availability below 97%.
Quality factor 35
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13.11 Quality factor
For the calculation of the final result of the TR10, the quality factor, the WTG-specific Reference yield needs to
be inserted. This can be done either step by step for each of the WTGs separately or in one step, if the
Reference yield of all WTGs is identical.
Figure 48 Results (scaled to 5 years)
The Reference yields can be found on the FGW
homepage, which can be accessed directly from windPRO
using the button “Open URL for reference yields”.
13.12 Report
The final results and formal TR10 requirements, can be exported into pdf reports at the end of the analysis
from the tab “Report”. Besides the TR10 requirements the report additionally aims at documenting the data
basis, data processing, partial results resulting from the analysis procedure and deviations from the required
Figure 49 Reports tab
Fördergesellschaft Windenergie
Report 36
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The format of the report, resp. the formal requirements of the report, are defined in the TR10 in chapter 8. The
button “Report setup” leads to the list of available reports.
Figure 50 Reports setup
The TR10 tool in windPRO follows these requirements and extends it by some extra reports. For example, all
time stamps that were marked as duplicates and / or irregular time stamps and removed are listed in the report
“Duplicates, irregular time stamps and manually disabled data list. In case of incompliance with the TR10
during the analysis, this will be reported in the report “Deviations from TR10”.
Figure 51 Main report example