Optimization algorithm 15
© EMD International • www.emd.dk • windPRO 4.0 • September 2023
This conversion of wind speed may lead to bins without tests. Here, the NCO distinguishes between untested
bins inside the tested range and outside the tested range. Inside the tested range, it is assumed that the turbine
cannot run unrestrained just because it is not tested. In this case, the most restrained neighboring bin must be
adopted. Outside the tested range the question is settled with the concept of open or closed intervals. Open
intervals mean that the turbines must operate in the operation mode(s) of the closest wind speed tested. Closed
intervals mean that outside the tested range, there are no restrictions and the turbine is set free. In the strategy
view, this is indicated in the bar and in the curtailment results as a label on the lowest and highest wind speed
(for open intervals) and a bookending bin with uncurtailed operation (closed intervals).
Often, the wind model is set up to calculate noise at a fixed wind speed or an unspecified wind speed, such as
“Highest noise value” or “95% rated power”. In those cases, wind speed cannot be a dimension, even if the
binning file allows it. The operation mode must be valid for all wind speeds, even if only a special case is tested.
In the presentation of the curtailments, wind speed is then replaced by a non-wind speed line. The same principle
applies for the other dimensions. Fixed values on the parameter means it cannot be an optimization dimension.
8b.3 Optimization algorithm
In contrast to using meta-heuristics to search for optimal strategies, the windPRO noise curtailment optimizer
reduces the number of solution evaluations by following a deterministic greedy approach based on relative
contributions of WTGs to exceedance levels at noise receptors. This approach limits the number of computations
and reduces computation times but can possibly lead to local optima.
8b.3.1 Noise curtailment optimization algorithm
If the highest turbine operation modes lead to noise compliance violations, a strategy is derived for each binned
variable and saved in a curtailment strategy matrix. The strategy is computed following a procedure that first
identifies whether turbines must be shut down, and then produces a curtailment strategy for all WTGs that are
not shut down.
8b.3.2 Turbine shutdowns
To check whether turbines must be shut down completely, all turbines are set to the lowest turbine operation
mode and a noise compliance check is performed. While the noise exceeds the allowed noise levels, the turbine
with the highest contribution to NSA noise levels is shut down until the park compliance is achieved. Afterwards,
all turbine operation modes are reset to the highest operation mode. If the noise compliance for the park with
the removed turbines still exceeds permittable noise levels, the operation modes are optimized in the next step.
8b.3.3 Operation mode curtailment
The operation mode curtailment algorithm is a greedy approach. While the noise levels exceed permitted noise
levels, the following sub-procedure is: First, the receptor with the highest exceeded is identified. Then, a metric
is computed for each turbine that quantifies the relation of produced power per noise exceedance. The turbines
are sorted reversely according to that metric, and the turbine with the worst relative power per noise contribution
gets downregulated into the next mode. This loop is continued until the noise constraints are not violated any
longer for the current bin.
8b.4 References
[1] Cao, Jiu Fa; Zhu, Wei Jun; Shen, Wen Zhong; Sørensen, Jens Nørkær; Sun, Zhen Ye (2020): Optimizing
wind energy conversion efficiency with respect to noise: A study on multi-criteria wind farm layout design. In
Renewable Energy 159, pp. 468–485. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.05.084.
[2] Nyborg, Camilla Marie; Fischer, Andreas; Réthoré, Pierre-Elouan; Feng, Ju (2023): Optimization of wind
farm operation with a noise constraint. In Wind Energ. Sci. 8 (2), pp. 255–276. DOI: 10.5194/wes-8-255-2023.
[3] Steurer, Martin; Fahl, Ulrich; Voß, Alfred; Deane, Paul (2017): Curtailment. In : Europe's Energy
Transition - Insights for Policy Making: Elsevier, pp. 97–104