Calculation and Input of Calculation Properties 29
© EMD International A/S • • windPRO 3.6 • September 2023
In addition to the possibility to name the calculation, the tab sheet “Main” is primarily used to decide which
calculations shall be performed. Predefined settings for limits as well as for calculations to perform can be
chosen. These are mainly related to German requirements in the first version. At the moment, either the
German VDEW or the norm IEC 61000 can be selected in order to specify limit values. Naturally, it is also
possible to define own values. Concerning the calculation properties, in addition to the possibility of a self-
defined calculation, a calculation based on the German norm VDE 0102 respectively the IEC 60909, both in
1990 or 2001 variant, can be selected for a calculation, based on a short-circuit calculation.
Regarding the VDEW guideline, the Design Check calculation corresponds to a dimensioning calculation. All
settings, necessary for this calculation as well as for the calculation of the voltage variations are made
automatically. The choice of a pre-defined calculation leads - with exception of the loss calculation - generally
to the selection of all calculations.
Each calculation, selected in this tab sheet, leads to a further tab sheet, in which the respective settings can be
viewed concerning the calculation properties and the limit values for this calculation and changed, if necessary.
The calculation accuracy as well as the maximum number of iteration steps can also be adapted.
The right side of this tab sheet contains additional information, necessary for the calculation. One voltage value
at one grid node has to be defined for the loss, design check or voltage variation calculation. This voltage at
the grid node is the basis for the calculation (for a voltage variation calculation, which is based on two load-flow
calculations, it is the basis for the first calculation). Typically, this is the node at the next bigger transformer
station or the Common Coupling Point. In the practical use, it is mainly the node of the External Grid.
Additionally, the grid node at which no voltage variation should occur had to be selected for the voltage
variations calculation. At this node the voltage is fixed and typically, this is the Far Generator.
In order to enable the possibility to perform basic load-flow calculations without a lot of entries, it’s also
possible to define an overall CosPhi value used for all WTGs. For this type of calculation, it is not necessary to
define several eGRID data entries within the WTGs prior to the calculation. It is also possible to use the
defined CosPhi value for all WTGs (including WTGs with an eGRID data set), selecting “Force use of this
CosPhi value.
Additionally, selecting “Always auto create a generic transformer when no eGRID data on WTG”, automatically
generated transformers are used for WTGs which are connected to e.g. the medium voltage grid level without
transformers, on the basis of generic transformer data.
Furthermore, a temperature dependency of the cable resistance can be chosen. In general, the electrical data
of a cable are used like specified in the cable catalogue. These are the cable properties at a temperature of
20°C. Due to the fact that any current flow results in losses, the cable becomes warmer which leads to an
increased cable resistance. Here, a corresponding consideration can be chosen, respectively the grid can be
inspected using the maximum cable parameters at 90°C:
20 Deg C (constant)
Linear current dependency
Quadratic current dependency
90 Deg C (constant)
Since the losses, which cause the heating, increase with the square of the current value, the quadratic current
dependency’’ should be the most realistic selection.
In order to calculate the actual cable resistance, which is being done individually for every single cable in the
grid, a cable temperature of 20°C is assessed in case of no current flow and a temperature of 90°C is
determined for the maximum current carrying capacity which is being calculated taking into account the given
maximum current value for each cable (e.g. manufacturer data) and the specified individual current limitation
factors. Based on these points, the cable temperature is being calculated for a linear or quadratic current
dependency and the corresponding resistance value is specified via the following equation: