WINDBANK – Introduction and step-by-step guide 2
© EMD International • • windPRO 4.1 • September 2024
WINDBANK – Introduction and step-by-step guide
Introduction to WINDBANK
The financial evaluation of a wind energy project may be the most important project development task. It is, in
the end, when all needed approvals are settled, the financial circumstances of the project, which decide
whether or not the project will be realized. With the windPRO module WINDBANK such a decision will be
taken on a well-documented basis.
All the documentation, as well as a survey with few key figures and a complete budget, which will satisfy
bankers and other qualified office managers, can be printed.
The windPRO module WINDBANK is, in the present version, furnished with a line of specific facilities which
correspond to the Danish tax law, but it will operate under more general conditions when investor is located in
other countries.
WINDBANK handles 4 different “owner constructions”:
Cooperatives - where special calculations for each coop can be generated
Private owned – where the owners private tax issues can be mixed with the wind farm investment
Company owned – “standard” company investment
Company coop – more companies has shares in the project, prints for a specific share is possible.
WINDBANK can also be used for economic evaluation (the value for the community), it is just a question of
proper selection of the relevant input data.
The WINDBANK module is based on templates, which makes it fast to define a new calculation based on
previous calculations, where only minor corrections has to be made.
WINDBANK Step-by step-guide
▪ Calculate the energy production with PARK or METEO/MODEL (to be able to transfer WTG-type, size
and energy production automatically)
▪ Start the WINDBANK module – load a template from "Standard" or other previous calculation.
▪ Go through all tab-sheets in order to define all parameters.
▪ Calculate and Print reports.