13.1 Introduction, definitions and workflow overview ............................................................................. 2
13.1.1 Basic concept ........................................................................................................................ 2
13.1.2 Workflow overview ................................................................................................................. 2
13.2 Data format and project preparation .................................................................................................. 3
13.2.1 Format of the SCADA data .................................................................................................... 3
13.2.2 Format of external data ......................................................................................................... 4
13.2.3 Create Existing WTG objects ................................................................................................ 5
13.2.4 Create a new PERFORMANCE CHECK session ................................................................. 6
13.3 Data: Import SCADA ............................................................................................................................ 7
13.3.1 Import 10-minute data............................................................................................................ 7
13.3.2 Pair and load ........................................................................................................................ 12
13.3.3 Setup categories .................................................................................................................. 15
13.4 Data: Time series SCADA ................................................................................................................. 23
13.5 Data: Import SOLD ............................................................................................................................. 24
13.6 Data: Plausibility ................................................................................................................................ 26
13.7 Site yield: Wind speed correlation ................................................................................................... 28
13.8 Site yield: Wind speed regression ................................................................................................... 31
13.9 Site yield: Moving power curves ...................................................................................................... 32
13.10 Result .............................................................................................................................................. 34
13.11 Quality factor .................................................................................................................................. 35
13.12 Report ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Introduction, definitions and workflow overview 2
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13.1 Introduction, definitions and workflow overview
Based on the “Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz 2017 (“EEG 2017”), the owners of German wind farms
commissioned after 1
of January 2018 are obliged to report the produced electricity after 5, 10 and 15 years of
operation. The complete calculation of the Site yield and Quality factor are described in the Technical Guideline
No. 10 (hereinafter TR10), which is the detailed methodology description introduced in the EEG 2017, Annex 2.
The Quality factor calculation (TR10)” sub-module includes the full implementation of the TR10, rev. 3. In
order to use it, a separate license of this tool as well as a license for PERFORMANCE CHECK are required.
Besides these, the license for the module BASIS is required. Additionally, the module METEO is recommended,
as the TR10 stipulates the use of mesoscale and / or reanalysis data and such data (e.g. EmdWrf Europe+,
ERA5, MERRA2, etc.) can be downloaded with this module.
13.1.1 Basic concept
The concept of the TR10 tool fully follows the TR10 guideline, rev. 3. The analyzed WTG(s) are represented in
windPRO by “Existing WTG objects . The data import and the data analysis to Existing WTG objects is done
in the TR10 tool, which is a sub-module of the module PERFORMANCE CHECK. The basic concept of the TR10
guideline, as well as of the TR10 tool, is as follows:
1) Assignment of status codes to categories (sorted from the highest to the lowest priority)
a. Category 2: Constraint or not available due to other matters
b. Category 4: Constraint due to optimized selling
c. Category 3: Constraint due to feed-in management
d. Category 1: Constraint due to permit matters
e. Category 0: Normal operation
2) Assignment of the 10-minute time stamps to the categories using the status codes and 1)
3) Calculation of electricity not produced due to categories 2, 3 and 4.
a. Calculation of correlations between wind speed time series
b. Creating consistent wind time series
c. Creating moving power curves
4) Generating results
13.1.2 Workflow overview
The evaluation described in this manual requires the licensed modules BASIS, PERFORMANCE CHECK, TR10
and optionally METEO.
The workflow is as follows:
Create new “Existing WTG” objects.
Download meso- and / or reanalysis data using METEO object(s) (optional).
Select “Quality factor calculation (TR10)” on the tab “Concept choice”.
Import 10-minute SCADA data with production, wind speed, wind direction, accumulated power
production and other required signals and load this data into the “Existing WTG” objects using the “Paid
and load” button.
Import and merge status codes from turbine log files to 10-minute production data using the “Setup
categories” button.
Import the “Sold electricity.
Technically not available
Einspeisemanagement. Measure used by the TSOs in Germany to stabilize the electrical grid by reducing the
actual power generation in case of overproduction in the grid.
Data format and project preparation 3
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Evaluate the plausibility.
Create “Consistent wind speed time series” according to the TR10 chapter 6.1 using the tabs “Wind
speed correlation” and “Wind speed regression”.
Create applicable power curves according to the TR10 chapter 6.2 using the tab “Moving power curves”.
Go to “Site yield Results” and use the buttons “Calculate production” and “Calculate site yield” to get
the results.
Go to the tab “Quality factor”. Entering the Referenzertrag
to the WTG(s) finishes the calculation of the
“Quality factor”, which is the final result of the whole calculation process.
Go to the Tab “Report” and generate the report(s) for the grid operator.
13.2 Data format and project preparation
13.2.1 Format of the SCADA data
The TR10 guideline stipulates that the raw SCADA data is used for the analysis. This assumes that the format
exported by the SCADA software is in a format that windPRO is capable to read. Standard export features of a
SCADA system typically contain an option to export the data in e.g. *.csv or *.txt files. These formats are
supported by windPRO.
There are two main data sources from the SCADA systems the 10-minute production data and the status logs.
Both use separate import mechanisms within the TR10 tool, as the structure of these sources is different. 10-minute SCADA data
The imported 10-minute production data must be in a matrix” form with header in the first line, with the time
stamp in the first column and with the data in the following columns. Besides this, the data importer is quite
flexible, and can handle data in single or multiple files, e.g. one turbine per file; all turbines in one file; one turbine
per day, per month etc. in one file.
Figure 1 Example of SCADA data opened in MS Excel
It is important to have an identifier (ID) of the turbine in the file headers, in a column or in the file names (if one
file per turbine). Later this ID will be used to pair the SCADA data with an Existing WTG object. It is useful to
name the existing WTG(s) with the identical names that the SCADA system uses, as windPRO can then pair the
existing WTG objects with the corresponding SCADA data automatically. For the purpose of the TR10 it can be
Reference production published by FGW for each WTG type and hub height according to the EEG.
Data format and project preparation 4
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also practical to use the EEG-Anlagenschlüssel
as WTG ID. More details regarding the WTG IDs can be found
in chapters 13.3.1 and 13.3.2. Status logs
The preferred formats of the status logs are *.csv or *.txt, too. The status logs are typically exported in a format
with the beginning and the end (or duration) of an event. The events are then described with status codes,
potentially followed by sub-codes. These are often followed by a description. The irregular structure in the status
logs is going to be transformed into a regular 10-minute structure by windPRO including the assignment of the
10-minute time stamp to exactly one TR10 category according to TR10 requirements.
Figure 2 Status logs example
Some of the SCADA systems can deliver the 10-minute production time series including the already assigned
status code. The signals name can be named e.g. “First alarm in the 10-minute interval” or similar. The use of
such signal is not in compliance with the TR10. The assignment of the status codes to 10-minute time stamps
was done by the SCADA system itself, but it is required that this is done by an independent tool. Although the
use of such signal is not compliant with the TR10 text, the TR10 tool allows its use for testing purposes and
internal calculations. This triggers a deviation-warning and is reported in the pdf report “Deviations from TR10”.
The import of the status codes is described in chapter 13.3.3.
13.2.2 Format of external data
On the top of the SCADA data, some external data is needed to finalize the analysis according to the TR10. EinsMan and optimized marketing start & end times
It can be the case that EinsMan events (category 3) or optimized selling events (category 4) do not have explicit
status codes in the WTG SCADA. If so, the beginnings and the ends of these events must be imported from an
external source. The format of the imported data can be again either a *.csv or *.txt file.
WTG specific ID used e.g. by invoicing. Consists of 33 symbols and begins with an “E”.