.. _examples: Python Examples =============== To help getting started with windPRO scripting examples are provided in the references for the windPRO services. You can find them at the bottom of each page describing a service or as a zip file here: :download:`Examples <./_static/python_package/fromDocs.zip>` For running the examples you need to have the windproapi package installed as described in :ref:`python_getting_started`. Some of the examples need Sample projects that can be downloaded within windPRO GUI under "Data/windPro Samples". It is possible to mark all examples using SHIFT and download them by clicking OK. The examples should be able to locate the folder with the windRPO samples. For running a few examples there might be the need for additional python packages like numpy and pandas. You will have to download them before running the example scripts. Important notice: All examples here are purely for illustration purposes. They are not intended to reflect correct energy yield assessments. Below are all example codes that are used in the subsequent sections. .. include:: all_examples.rst