.. _faq: Frequently Asked Questions ========================== Do I need a special windPRO module to use windPRO SCRIPTING? ****************************************************************** Yes, you need the windPRO SCRIPTING service. Contact EMD at sales@emd.dk for more information. Can I run multiple instances of windPRO with one license? ****************************************************************** No each SCRIPTING service license can only run one instance of windPRO at a time. Can I run windPRO scripting from a Linux environment? ****************************************************************** No, windPRO scripting is intended as as a desktop scripting solution. Therefore, windPRO needs to be installed on the PC that you are also executing your scripts on. Can I run my scripts from within windPRO? ****************************************************************** No you cannot run scripts within windPRO. You will need to setup your preferred scripting language to use the windPRO SCRIPTING service outside of windPRO. Though it is possible to open windPRO with a port and attach the scripts without loading the windPRO file from the scripting interface. Where can I get help to get started? ****************************************************************** You have come to the right place. Much information and examples are provided here in the documentation. EMD does not offer support for developing and debugging scripts. You can get an offer course and support developing your scripts by contacting sales@emd.dk. I get a red cross (in the GUI) next to the object made from scripting. What do do? *********************************************************************************** It can happen that an object generated from scripting does not have default values that make sense. This can also differ from the GUI sometimes (though we aim to reduce this as much as possible). You should open the object in the GUI and press OK. Then load the object again from scripting and use the ´´compare_obejects´´ function in the windproapi python package to see what properties have changed. Set those properties from scripting on a newly generated object and you should have an objects with all necessary properties and the red cross in the GUI should disappear.