Issue with Swedish coordinate-systems

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Status: Closed - part of windPRO 3.0 Service Pack 2

Fixed in build: 620

A serious error has been found in windPRO 3.0 that relates to using some Swedish coordinate systems when converting roughness grids to lines. This happens in two places in windPRO:

  • When downloading online roughness data directly to a Line Object. The generated lines will be crossing each other and cannot be used. This will be obvious for users to see if they happen to download roughness lines when using a Swedish coordinate system.
  • When performing downscaling calculations using the new Scaler concept. The roughness lines generated for the meso terrain will be crossing each other and give erroneous results. This error is more critical as you have no way of seeing the problem with the roughness lines.

The affected coordinate systems are:

  • In the old coordinate system: Sweden Rikets Net (also called RN)
  • In the new coordinate system: All coordinate systems starting with Swedish R, e.g. Swedish R02 Halland, Swedish RT90 0gon 0:-15, etc.

Sweref 99 (called Swedish UTM 33 in the new system) is NOT affected by this bug.

Workaround: Use another coordinate system when doing downscaling calculations with meso-scale data. We recommend to use UTM WGS 84 with the zone that fits the project.