Category:WindPRO 4.0 Service Pack 3: Difference between revisions

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Fixed issue where in some situations the user label would be lost when re-importing KMZ files {{Templink40SP3|01_3541}}
*Fixed issue where in some situations the user label would be lost when re-importing KMZ files {{Templink40SP3|01_3541}}
Fixed issue where missing background maps were not listed in Project File overview {{Templink40SP3|01_3601}}
*Fixed issue where missing background maps were not listed in Project File overview {{Templink40SP3|01_3601}}
Fixed issue with empty spots in steepness check based on elevation grid {{Templink40SP3|01_3641}}
*Fixed issue with empty spots in steepness check based on elevation grid {{Templink40SP3|01_3641}}
Fixed annoyance where exiting a meteo object would move the object selection to another object {{Templink40SP3|01_3564}}
*Fixed annoyance where exiting a meteo object would move the object selection to another object {{Templink40SP3|01_3564}}
Fixed annoyance with Google Earth export window being too small {{Templink40SP3|01_3620}}
*Fixed annoyance with Google Earth export window being too small {{Templink40SP3|01_3620}}
Fixed graphical issue related to resource map and wind rose shown at position of mouse cursor. {{Templink40SP3|01_3555}}
*Fixed graphical issue related to resource map and wind rose shown at position of mouse cursor. {{Templink40SP3|01_3555}}
Fixed typo in T-RIX report where a unit was not displayed {{Templink40SP3|01_3604}}
*Fixed typo in T-RIX report where a unit was not displayed {{Templink40SP3|01_3604}}
Re-introduced the "Cluster service status" window to enable download of previously calculated WRF data. Can be found in the Tools tab {{Templink40SP3|22_0301}}
*Re-introduced the "Cluster service status" window to enable download of previously calculated WRF data. Can be found in the Tools tab {{Templink40SP3|22_0301}}

Fixed display issue in main result report for calculations with spectral distribution and NSAs with no noise demands {{Templink40SP3|06_0505}}
*Fixed display issue in main result report for calculations with spectral distribution and NSAs with no noise demands {{Templink40SP3|06_0505}}
Fixed exception which could occur when defining NSA properties inside DECIBEL calculation {{Templink40SP3|06_0502}}
*Fixed exception which could occur when defining NSA properties inside DECIBEL calculation {{Templink40SP3|06_0502}}
Fixed issue where switching from one noise model to another did not reset all noise model parameters {{Templink40SP3|06_0503}}
*Fixed issue where switching from one noise model to another did not reset all noise model parameters {{Templink40SP3|06_0503}}
Added warning when combining binned curtailments with multiple periods and a calculation setup set to "No time dimension" {{Templink40SP3|06_0504}}
*Added warning when combining binned curtailments with multiple periods and a calculation setup set to "No time dimension" {{Templink40SP3|06_0504}}
Added new result to file option for "Detailed results" which includes only maximum impact results {{Templink40SP3|06_0485}}
*Added new result to file option for "Detailed results" which includes only maximum impact results {{Templink40SP3|06_0485}}
@ TJ {{Templink40SP3|06_0512}}
*@ TJ? {{Templink40SP3|06_0512}}

Fixed issue where the "Overhead Line" field would stay greyed when it ought to be available {{Templink40SP3|14_0041}}
*Fixed issue where the "Overhead Line" field would stay greyed when it ought to be available {{Templink40SP3|14_0041}}

Fixed error when trying to calculate glare from a tracking PV plant and using the setting of the angle between reflection and sun {{Templink40SP3|77_0083}}
*Fixed error when trying to calculate glare from a tracking PV plant and using the setting of the angle between reflection and sun {{Templink40SP3|77_0083}}
Reflections at the incidence angle of 90 degrees is no longer considered {{Templink40SP3|77_0080}}
*Reflections at the incidence angle of 90 degrees is no longer considered {{Templink40SP3|77_0080}}
Reflections from the back of PV panels is no longer considered {{Templink40SP3|77_0079}}
*Reflections from the back of PV panels is no longer considered {{Templink40SP3|77_0079}}

Fixed issue where a L&U calculation could consume too much memory {{Templink40SP3|27_0224}}
*Fixed issue where a L&U calculation could consume too much memory {{Templink40SP3|27_0224}}
Renamed column header in "AEP exceedance values for 20 years monthly" from "P50 Gross" to "Gross Production" {{Templink40SP3|27_0237}}
*Renamed column header in "AEP exceedance values for 20 years monthly" from "P50 Gross" to "Gross Production" {{Templink40SP3|27_0237}}

Fixed crash when selecting "Run time" or "Manual" profile in Profile Graph with no time series {{Templink40SP3|25_0980}}
*Fixed crash when selecting "Run time" or "Manual" profile in Profile Graph with no time series {{Templink40SP3|25_0980}}
Fixed issue importing Meteo Data exports where midnight was specified as 24:00 and not 00:00 {{Templink40SP3|25_0953}}
*Fixed issue importing Meteo Data exports where midnight was specified as 24:00 and not 00:00 {{Templink40SP3|25_0953}}
Fixed issue in time series graph where changing the date using the calendar date selector did not update the graph {{Templink40SP3|25_0966}}
*Fixed issue in time series graph where changing the date using the calendar date selector did not update the graph {{Templink40SP3|25_0966}}
Fixed issue where "Wind speed relations" graph would not detect changes in the list of available heights {{Templink40SP3|25_0984}}
*Fixed issue where "Wind speed relations" graph would not detect changes in the list of available heights {{Templink40SP3|25_0984}}
Fixed issue where import setup for Kintech files was not created properly {{Templink40SP3|25_0958}}
*Fixed issue where import setup for Kintech files was not created properly {{Templink40SP3|25_0958}}
Fixed issue where the "Wind speed relations"-graph in "Add merged height" would allow selection of heights without wind speed signals {{Templink40SP3|25_0985}}
*Fixed issue where the "Wind speed relations"-graph in "Add merged height" would allow selection of heights without wind speed signals {{Templink40SP3|25_0985}}
Fixed rare issue where wind speed relations graph was not initialized properly {{Templink40SP3|25_0977}}
*Fixed rare issue where wind speed relations graph was not initialized properly {{Templink40SP3|25_0977}}
Fixed issue where warning about calibration setup could appear in the Meteo Analyzer {{Templink40SP3|26_0199}}
*Fixed issue where warning about calibration setup could appear in the Meteo Analyzer {{Templink40SP3|26_0199}}
- {{Templink40SP3|26_0196}}
* {{Templink40SP3|26_0196}}

Fixed issue for calculation of air absorption where last bin in range of relative humidity could be omitted {{Templink40SP3|28_0154}}
*Fixed issue for calculation of air absorption where last bin in range of relative humidity could be omitted {{Templink40SP3|28_0154}}
Fixed issue in "Detailed results, Graphic"-report when using only two sectors {{Templink40SP3|28_0155}}
*Fixed issue in "Detailed results, Graphic"-report when using only two sectors {{Templink40SP3|28_0155}}
Fixed issue where Norwegian worst case result layers were duplicated {{Templink40SP3|28_0145}}
*Fixed issue where Norwegian worst case result layers were duplicated {{Templink40SP3|28_0145}}
Improved calculation performance for sites with complex terrain {{Templink40SP3|28_0161}}
*Improved calculation performance for sites with complex terrain {{Templink40SP3|28_0161}}
Improved display of "Calculated noise vs. wind direction and wind speed" graph {{Templink40SP3|28_0149}}
*Improved display of "Calculated noise vs. wind direction and wind speed" graph {{Templink40SP3|28_0149}}

Fixed special issue there the Curtailment optimizer would would prematurely abort {{Templink40SP3|15_0636}}
*Fixed special issue there the Curtailment optimizer would would prematurely abort {{Templink40SP3|15_0636}}
- {{Templink40SP3|15_0629}}
* {{Templink40SP3|15_0629}}

Fixed issue where wind speed correction factors could be saved even though the calculation setup was cancelled {{Templink40SP3|33_0750}}
*Fixed issue where wind speed correction factors could be saved even though the calculation setup was cancelled {{Templink40SP3|33_0750}}
Fixed issue with error code setup when having a lot of duplicate samples {{Templink40SP3|33_0753}}
*Fixed issue with error code setup when having a lot of duplicate samples {{Templink40SP3|33_0753}}

Fixed issue with randomly missing lines in wireframes {{Templink40SP3|11_0407}}
*Fixed issue with randomly missing lines in wireframes {{Templink40SP3|11_0407}}

Fixed issue where a shadow receptor with an azimuth at 180 degrees would be displayed as -180 degrees in the object list {{Templink40SP3|07_0265}}
*Fixed issue where a shadow receptor with an azimuth at 180 degrees would be displayed as -180 degrees in the object list {{Templink40SP3|07_0265}}

Fixed error in Effective turbulence calculations when using mast data and .flowres CFD causing the mast Weibull weight factors to be used for the WTGs {{Templink40SP3|29_0489}}
*Fixed error in Effective turbulence calculations when using mast data and .flowres CFD causing the mast Weibull weight factors to be used for the WTGs {{Templink40SP3|29_0489}}
- {{Templink40SP3|29_0488}}
* {{Templink40SP3|29_0488}}

Fixed issue where sometimes camera viewpoints could not be exported. {{Templink40SP3|13_0095}}
*Fixed issue where sometimes camera viewpoints could not be exported. {{Templink40SP3|13_0095}}
Added possibility to export objects from SketchUp specifically for using as GLARE reflectors. Objects created this way only gives glare from the front side of the polygons, and not from both sides.
*Added possibility to export objects from SketchUp specifically for using as GLARE reflectors. Objects created this way only gives glare from the front side of the polygons, and not from both sides.

===SOLAR PV===
===SOLAR PV===
Fixed issue where the shading visualizer would reset the date and time changes without any logic {{Templink40SP3|58_0506}}
*Fixed issue where the shading visualizer would reset the date and time changes without any logic {{Templink40SP3|58_0506}}

Fixed issue with gap filling of the moving power curve for time series with large gaps {{Templink40SP3|60_0279}}
*Fixed issue with gap filling of the moving power curve for time series with large gaps {{Templink40SP3|60_0279}}
Updated URL to reference production {{Templink40SP3|60_0277}}
*Updated URL to reference production {{Templink40SP3|60_0277}}

Revision as of 15:26, 25 June 2024

June 2024, build 4.0.547

Below you will find a list of all issues fixed in Service Pack 3

This Service Pack contains corrections to bugs and comments reported by users. Thanks to all for submitting feedback.

See list of previous releases here: windPRO releases

The items below are ordered alphabetically by module, then by importance.


  • Fixed issue where in some situations the user label would be lost when re-importing KMZ files
  • Fixed issue where missing background maps were not listed in Project File overview
  • Fixed issue with empty spots in steepness check based on elevation grid
  • Fixed annoyance where exiting a meteo object would move the object selection to another object
  • Fixed annoyance with Google Earth export window being too small
  • Fixed graphical issue related to resource map and wind rose shown at position of mouse cursor.
  • Fixed typo in T-RIX report where a unit was not displayed
  • Re-introduced the "Cluster service status" window to enable download of previously calculated WRF data. Can be found in the Tools tab


  • Fixed display issue in main result report for calculations with spectral distribution and NSAs with no noise demands
  • Fixed exception which could occur when defining NSA properties inside DECIBEL calculation
  • Fixed issue where switching from one noise model to another did not reset all noise model parameters
  • Added warning when combining binned curtailments with multiple periods and a calculation setup set to "No time dimension"
  • Added new result to file option for "Detailed results" which includes only maximum impact results
  • @ TJ?


  • Fixed issue where the "Overhead Line" field would stay greyed when it ought to be available


  • Fixed error when trying to calculate glare from a tracking PV plant and using the setting of the angle between reflection and sun
  • Reflections at the incidence angle of 90 degrees is no longer considered
  • Reflections from the back of PV panels is no longer considered


  • Fixed issue where a L&U calculation could consume too much memory
  • Renamed column header in "AEP exceedance values for 20 years monthly" from "P50 Gross" to "Gross Production"


  • Fixed crash when selecting "Run time" or "Manual" profile in Profile Graph with no time series
  • Fixed issue importing Meteo Data exports where midnight was specified as 24:00 and not 00:00
  • Fixed issue in time series graph where changing the date using the calendar date selector did not update the graph
  • Fixed issue where "Wind speed relations" graph would not detect changes in the list of available heights
  • Fixed issue where import setup for Kintech files was not created properly
  • Fixed issue where the "Wind speed relations"-graph in "Add merged height" would allow selection of heights without wind speed signals
  • Fixed rare issue where wind speed relations graph was not initialized properly
  • Fixed issue where warning about calibration setup could appear in the Meteo Analyzer


  • Fixed issue for calculation of air absorption where last bin in range of relative humidity could be omitted
  • Fixed issue in "Detailed results, Graphic"-report when using only two sectors
  • Fixed issue where Norwegian worst case result layers were duplicated
  • Improved calculation performance for sites with complex terrain
  • Improved display of "Calculated noise vs. wind direction and wind speed" graph


  • Fixed special issue there the Curtailment optimizer would would prematurely abort


  • Fixed issue where wind speed correction factors could be saved even though the calculation setup was cancelled
  • Fixed issue with error code setup when having a lot of duplicate samples


  • Fixed issue with randomly missing lines in wireframes


  • Fixed issue where a shadow receptor with an azimuth at 180 degrees would be displayed as -180 degrees in the object list


  • Fixed error in Effective turbulence calculations when using mast data and .flowres CFD causing the mast Weibull weight factors to be used for the WTGs


  • Fixed issue where sometimes camera viewpoints could not be exported.
  • Added possibility to export objects from SketchUp specifically for using as GLARE reflectors. Objects created this way only gives glare from the front side of the polygons, and not from both sides.


  • Fixed issue where the shading visualizer would reset the date and time changes without any logic


  • Fixed issue with gap filling of the moving power curve for time series with large gaps
  • Updated URL to reference production

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