Main Page

This windPRO-Wiki currently only contains a description of all the online-datasets that are available directly from within windPRO. This wiki seeks to describe the remote sensing data and other data available for download or which can be accessed from windPRO. Since more online-datasets become available in-between windPRO releases, then EMD has decided to release the online dataset documentation in a dynamic wiki-format. This enables a more dynamic (and frequent) update of the associated datasets and their documentation. This page describes the datasets available within windPRO 3.5. We welcome suggestions for new datasets to integrate with windPRO: Please submit any proposals at this feedback form.
WindPRO Documentation on Online Data
In the table below, you can find the complete list of online services and datasets available from within WindPRO. Please consult the individual dataset-descriptions for information on update frequencies, coverage and resolutions.