OpenTopoMap is a free topographic map - generated using OpenStreetMap data and SRTM elevation data. The map-legend is based on a style that matches the official German topographic maps, i.e. it has a style that is easy to read - with a high-contrast and a set of logical signatures. The map has a global coverage. Please visit the OpenTopoMap project homepage ( in order to learn more. If you want to contribute to build an even better map, then you should contribute to the OpenStreetMap project.
A map sample from Germany is shown in the figure below.

Map-data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (under ODbL) and SRTM. Map-rendering: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA).
Usage Notes
- 2023-01-16: We have added finer-scale zoom-levels - levels 15-17.
In order to use these in windPRO, you need to re-attach the map in windPRO (existing OpenTopoMaps must be removed, then added again). - For issues and notes about the OSM data (such on how disputed territories are rendered) - please visit our page on OpenStreetMap data.
Data License
OpenTopoMap is a free and open map, licensed under the CC-BY-SA. The full license text is available from You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the data, as long as you credit OpenTopoMap, STRM & OpenTopoMap. EMD recommends the following license-text in any reports or calculations that are using the OpenTopoMap.
Map-data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (under ODbL) and SRTM | Map-rendering: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA). Distribution through EMD and windPRO.
External links
- OpenTopoMap - Home Page
- OpenTopoMap - About Page (in German language)
- Github Repository for OpenTopoMap - here with the Github issue-tracker here