Norwegian Topographic Map

The Norwegian Topographic Map is a part of the dynamic, zoomable maps in windPRO. This collection of topographic maps were released by the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket) with each map aimed at a different scale ranging from 1:50000 to 1:5000000. The maps have been adapted for use with windPRO and distribution with our dynamic maps. This map collection is generated from the N50, N100, N250, N500, N1000, N2000 and N5000 topographic maps of Norway with maps downloaded in late March 2021. Read more (in Norwegian) at Kartverket:
Availability from Within windPRO
- From map window: Click the ‘Add map’ globe-icon -> then ‘Dynamic Maps’
- From main menu: Click ‘Project’ -> ‘Properties’ -> ‘Background Maps’ -> ‘Dynamic Maps’
License and Attribution
The product belongs to the open data of the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket). The data have been released through the Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0) license. An attribution is required when using these maps, we recommends to the following:
Source: Contains map data from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, (c) Kartverket: N50, N100, N250, N500, N1000, N2000 and N5000. 04/2021. Adapted and prepared for distribution in windPRO by EMD International A/S.
- Kartverket, Norway for the dissemination of these topographic maps and the release in the public domain - and thus for aiding the development of renewable energy and wind energy in particular.
External Links
- More information is available at the map-page of Kartverket.