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In autumn 2023, ECMWF announced that ERA6 is being developed as the successor to the extensively utilised ERA5 dataset. EMD recognises the significance of ERA5 and the promising potential of ERA6 – viewing these datasets as the current and future industry-standard climate datasets for various applications within our renewable energy communities, particularly for users of EMD products and services.

ERA6 will most likely be the new industry standard, and thus have a quite big impact on most of the EMD software-, data- and calculation-services. This includes our mesoscale data, wind and solar power-index services, EMD-API and our two premium desktop software packages, energyPRO and windPRO. As was the case when ERA5 was released, it is our plan to be an ‘early adopter’ and release the data via our desktop software and EMD-API as soon as it is ready.

Release Schedule

ERA6 is anticipated to be released by the end of 2026.


If you have questions about ERA6 in EMD products and services, please contact the dedicated EMD support hotline at