EMD-ConWx Meso Data Europe
WindPRO 2.9 introduces a high resolution Meso scale data set covering Europe. The data are modeled and computed in-house - in collaboration between EMD and ConWx (http://www.conwx.com) who are experts in Meso scale modelling.
Note: This data-set requires an additional license to use (see below).
Dataset Description
The Meso scale model is run at a high spatial resolution of 0.03°x0.03°, approximately 3x3 km with hourly temporal resolution. ERA Interim data from ECMWF (http://www.ecmwf.int) is the global boundary data set.
Timespan is at least 10 years back, extended to cover minimum 20 years during 2013. Data are updated monthly with approximate 3 months delay defined by ERA Interims availability and computational efforts at EMD high-performace computer clusters. Data access is via WindPRO’s user friendly interface to on-line data and payment of an annual subscription fee.
Required modules/licenses
To access the EMD-ConWx Meso scale data the following licenses/modules are required in your WindPRO setup:
- Basis
- EMD-ConWx Meso Data, Europe
Model Domain
The model domain for the EMD-ConWx model is shown in the figure below. Our new data set covers Europe including larger parts of Turkey and Ukraine, excluding the northern extreme of Scandinavia.