Issue with disappearing calculations

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Status: Open - part of windPRO 3.0 Service Pack 5

Fixed in build: 654

Several users have reported that from time to time they experience that windPRO calculations have disappeared when re-opening projects. The calculation remains in the calculation list, but it contains no setup and no reports.

This issue is still open for investigation.

Service Pack 5 contains some extra consistency checking between the Calculation list and the files stored on the disc. When saving a project windPRO will ensure that all files used in Calculations is still available. If some files are missing the user will be alerted at the time of saving the project, instead of just realizing the issue when later re-opening the project. Hopefully this check will bring us closer to the actual reason for the issue.

Background info:

While a windPRO project is open, data file for the project is stored under Windows temporary files:


It is important to ensure that these files are not deleted or modified while windPRO is running.