German Baden-Württemberg Elevation Models

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Coverage of the DTM (DGM).
Baden-Württemberg Elevation Model (DGM)
1m, 5m and 20m DGM's in windPRO (near Ulm, Baden-Württemberg)


The digital elevation model for the German state of Baden-Württemberg is derived from open geodata specific to this region. The original model in 1m grid-resolution is provided by the Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LGL). Three versions of the elevation model are included with windPRO, each with different grid resolutions: 1m, 5m, and 20m. While the original model offers a maximum resolution of 1m, the two other models in windPRO are resampled by EMD to slightly coarser resolutions of 5m and 20m. This resampling is performed to ensure the data is better suitable for larger domains, which are typically required for wind farm analyses and wind flow modelling. The 1m grid resolution data is specifically included with windPRO with the intension to be used for photomontage modelling. Please note that the data provided by EMD reflects the status as of June 2024. The Baden-Württemberg elevation model in windPRO is based on aerial lidar-scans from years 2016-2021.

Dataset Overview

  • Spatial Coverage: Bundesland of Baden-Württemberg
  • Resolution: 1m, 5m and 20m (in windPRO)
  • Data-type: Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • Coordinate system
    • Horizontal: ETRS89/UTM32 (EPSG 25832)
    • Vertical: DHHN2016
  • Version: Data were downloaded in June 2024.
  • Accuracy:
    • Vertical: For the 1m resolution dataset the vertical accuracy is stated to be ±0.15m.
    • Horizontal: N/A
  • No-data value: 0 in original data / -9999 in windPRO datasets

Usage Notes

  1. Please be aware that the download and processing time for the high-resolution datasets (1m and 5m grid) can take several minutes. This is due to the large volume of high-resolution elevation data and the tile-based storage system, which contains about 40,000 individual data-tiles. As such, downloading data for a specific site may take some time. If this poses an issue, consider downloading data for smaller areas or opting for the coarser 20m resolution data.
  2. For the 1-meter grid, the downloadable area is restricted to a 5 km x 5 km region to maintain manageable file sizes. For the 5-meter grid, the downloadable area is limited to a 20 km x 20 km region. If necessary, the data within the elevation object can be supplemented with coarser data to cover a larger area. Please plan your downloads accordingly.

License and Attribution

The data is based on open geo-data of Baden-Württemberg, released under a open-data policy. When using the dataset, the please acknowledge the origin of the data, such as:

Source/Datenquelle: LGL,
License: Datenlizenz Deutschland – Namensnennung – Version 2.0 (dl-de/by-2-0) -
Distribution: EMD/windPRO elevation model based on data from Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LGL), Baden-Württemberg.


  • The LGL are thanked for producing this digital elevation dataset – and disseminating it in the public domain and thus for aiding the development of renewable energy and wind energy in particular.

External Links and Documentation

  • Site with description of the elevation model (in German language) - HERE
  • Information on open geodata in Baden-Württemberg - HERE
  • Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LGL), Baden-Württemberg - HERE