Italian Elevation Model - TINITALY

The Italian Elevation Model - TINITALY - is a seamless digital elevation model that covers the territory of Italy. It is procuced by Tarquini et al and was first presented in 2007. The model is built from separate elevation models from each of the administrative regions of Italy. Grid resolution is 10m. This model is released from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology / Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). As a part of the TINITALY dataset evaluations by Tarquini and Nannipieri in 2017, the authors reported the TINITALY DEM to outperform other sources, see the quote below and consult the references for further details. A preprint of their paper is available here.
"The TINITALY DEM is currently the DEM having the highest resolution and the lowest error (on average) covering the whole Italian territory.... and it represents, at a country or (trans-)regional scale, a substantial step forward with respect to global DEMs such as the ASTER DEM and the SRTM DEM...".
Dataset Overview
- Spatial Coverage: Italian territory
- Resolution: 10 m grid
- Data-type: Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
- Coordinate system: UTM WGS84 - zone 32 (EPSG 32632) in original data
- Version: Data downloaded in September 2020.
- Vertical Accuracy: N/A
- No data value: -9999 (in original data)
Usage Notes
- In the original TINITALY data, some zero-elevation grid points were present at data-tiles located in the mountaneous regions to the north. Typically they were found in proximity to the border or just outside the Italian territory. These values have been replaced with void-values by EMD.
Availability from within WindPRO
The data are available directly from within windPRO in 10-meter grid resolution. The data can be accessed from the online-services in the following objects:
- Line Object (with purpose to height contour lines)
- Elevation Grid Object
License and Attribution
TINITALY is published with a CC-BY-4.0 license. Please use the following attribution when using this dataset:
Tarquini S., Isola I., Favalli M., Battistini A. (2007) TINITALY, a digital elevation model of Italy with a 10 m-cell size (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Data processing and distribution through EMD and windPRO.
- Tarquini S., Isola I., Favalli M., Battistini A. and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology are thanked for producing this digital elevation dataset – and disseminating it in the public domain and thus for aiding the development of renewable energy.
External Links
- National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology / Istitutoi Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV):