Danish Elevation Model

The Danish Elevation Model dataset (DHM - Danmarks Højdemodel) holds records of the heights in the Danish landscape with reference to the sea as its basic zero-level.
The Danish Elevation Model data is available in WindPRO in different four different verions: one based on gridded raw data sources and three based on raw vector data sources. The data sources are:
- DHM 10m gridded data
- DHM 2.5m contour lines
- DHM 5.0m contour lines
- DHM 10.0m contour lines
Please note, that these datasets were updated early 2013.
These dataset covers Denmark.
Availability in WindPRO
The all four datasets are available from the WindPRO online services.
Licence and Acknowledgement
The data is distributed according to the terms for use of free geographical data File:FreeGeodataTermsInDenmark.pdf . Please take proper care to add proper attribution in order to acknowledge the source of information. Typically, this is done by adding the following statement to your report-picture or map:
In Danish:
Indeholder data fra Geodatastyrelsen, [datasæt-navn], [år]
In English:
Contains data from the Danish Geodata Agency, [dataset-name], [year]
Raw Data Sources
The three contour lines datasets (with 2.5m, 5.0m and 10.0m contour separation) were process by EMD from a original dataset with lines in 0.5 m contour separation.
External Links
- Original 10 m grid data files available from the Danish 'Kortforsyning' http://download.kortforsyningen.dk/content/dhmterr%C3%A6n-10-m-grid.
- OS OpenData Terms / Licence is available here: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/docs/licences/os-opendata-licence.pdf.