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Spatial domain for the CERRA mesoscale data in windPRO (we cover approx. 300km from the coastline). Image showing average wind speeds at 100m from 2012-2012 - taken from the https://www.windprospecting.com platform.


CERRA, is a high resolution hindcast dataset provided by Copernicus. The model holds data at 5.5km resolution and covers central Europe.

Dataset Overview

  • Content: Limited feature and spatial-domain subset of the CERRA mesoscale dataset
    (we provide about 973.000 nodes in a distance of approx. 300km from the coastlines).
  • Spatial resolution: 5.5km
  • Temporal resolution: Timestep 1 hour
  • Coverage: See the map to the right
  • Period: In windPRO: 20+ years of data from 1999-01-01 to 2021-12-31
  • Update schedule: Unknown (but is is our expectation that data is updated with a 3-4 month of delay from current date, due to ERA5 availability and computational demands).
    We will update this dataset when more recent data becomes available.

Usage Notes

Dataset Parameters

A total of 80 parameters are available from the CERRA mesoscale data-subset in windPRO.

Table: Overview of CERRA Dataset Parameters (5.5 km grid).
Parameter Unit Description Type
time UTC time stamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
wSpeed.x m/s Wind speeds at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
wDir.x deg Wind directions at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
sqrtTKE.x m/s Wind speed given as standard deviation in m/s. Derived from the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) at different heights above ground (x). Use with caution, and avoid use for site assessment and loads as variability is underestimated.
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
press.x Pa Pressure at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
temp.x celcius Temperature at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
rh.x % Relative humidity at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
cloudWater.x mg/kg Cloud water content at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
cloudIce.x mg/kg Cloud icing content at different heights above ground (x).
Heights (x): 15,50,75,100,150,200,300,500m
wSpeed.10 m/s Wind speeds at 10m. Instantaneous
wDir.10 deg Wind direction at 10m. Instantaneous
wGust.10 deg Wind gust at 10m. Instantaneous
temp.2 celcius Temperatures at 2m Instantaneous
rh.2 % Relative humidity at 2m Instantaneous
psfc Pa Pressure at site Instantaneous
msl Pa Pressure at mean sea level Instantaneous
z0 m Rougnhess length Instantaneous
totalCloudCover % Total cloud cover in atmosphere 1h Average
totPrecip kg/m^2 Total Precipitation at surface 1h Accumulated
sensHeatFlux w/m2 Sensible Heat Flux at surface Instantaneous
momFluxU N m**-2 Instantaneous northward turbulent surface stress Instantaneous
momFluxV N m**-2 Instantaneous eastward turbulent surface stress Instantaneous
zust m/s U-star (friction velocity) Instantaneous
ssr w/m2 Surface net solar radiation 1h Accumulated
ssrc w/m2 Surface net solar radiation, clear sky 1h Accumulated
ssrd w/m2 Surface solar radiation downwards 1h Accumulated

License and Attribution

Distribution through EMD and windPRO - EMD International A/S, 2022. License: NLOD 2.0 and CC-BY-40.

Required windPRO License and Modules

This dataset can be accessed from the most recent version of windPRO given that you hold an active service agreement and a license to the following modules:


External Links and References

Acknowledgement and Credits