Blended Coastal Winds

The Blended Coastal Winds dataset is an EMD coastal region subset of the NOAA Blended Sea Winds dataset. The Blended Sea Winds dataset originates from the NOAA / NESDIS / National Climatic Data Center, USA. This sub-dataset is provided and processed by EMD International A/S.
This dataset contains globally-gridded high-resolution ocean surface winds and wind stresses on a global 0.25 degree grid.
Data Source
The dataset has up to four daily records, where the winds have been blended from multiple records from up to six satellites equipped with scatterometers. Due to the varying number of satellites available, the sampling frequency of a particular area varies over time (see more on the NOAA web site).
The winds are 10-minute averages in 10 m height. The wind direction is from the NCEP reanalysis 2 (NRA-2) dataset. Please note that NOAA considers the Blended Sea Winds product as a research product, thus, they are considered as experimental in nature.

The following parameters are available from this dataset.
Parameter | Description |
time | UTC time stamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) |
wDir | Wind direction (10m height above surface) |
wSpd | Wind speed (10m height above surface) |
stressDir | Direction of wind-stress |
windStress | Wind stress |
External Links
Read more on the dataset:
NOAA data is available to the public. Read more in the NOAA/National Climatic Data Center Open Access Policy.
Credits: Dr. Huai-Min Zhang and NOAA/NESDIS/National Climatic Data Center.