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EMD-WRF Middle East is a high resolution mesoscale dataset modelled and provided by EMD International A/S. The data set released originally covered mainland Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, parts of Georgia, Cyprys, Jordan, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and North-East Egypt. During September 2016, the dataset is expanded to cover also Iran and the nearby areas. The model domain for EMD-WRF Middle East is shown in the figure to the right.
EMD-WRF Middle East is a high resolution mesoscale dataset modelled and provided by EMD International A/S. The data set released originally covered mainland Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, parts of Georgia, Cyprys, Jordan, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and North-East Egypt. During September 2016, the dataset is expanded to cover also Iran and the nearby areas. The model domain for EMD-WRF Middle East is shown in the figure to the right.

Note: This dataset is no longer updated; some domains of this datasetsis freely available for windPRO users with an active service subscription, access to the north-west domain access require a licence to the EMD-WRF Europe+ dataset (see below).
Note: This dataset is no longer updated; some domains of these datasets are freely available for windPRO users with an active service subscription, access to the north-west domain access require a licence to the EMD-WRF Europe+ dataset (see below).

== Usage Note: Update of the EMD-WRF Middle East dataset is discontinued from ultimo 2019==
== Usage Note: Update of the EMD-WRF Middle East dataset is discontinued from ultimo 2019==

Revision as of 16:00, 21 January 2021

Illustration of the Data Coverage of the EMD-WRF Middle East Dataset

Introduction and Model Domain

EMD-WRF Middle East is a high resolution mesoscale dataset modelled and provided by EMD International A/S. The data set released originally covered mainland Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, parts of Georgia, Cyprys, Jordan, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and North-East Egypt. During September 2016, the dataset is expanded to cover also Iran and the nearby areas. The model domain for EMD-WRF Middle East is shown in the figure to the right.

Note: This dataset is no longer updated; some domains of these datasets are freely available for windPRO users with an active service subscription, access to the north-west domain access require a licence to the EMD-WRF Europe+ dataset (see below).

Usage Note: Update of the EMD-WRF Middle East dataset is discontinued from ultimo 2019

2019-08-26: The last month with ERA-Interim data was august 2019 as ECMWF has discontinued this dataset and replaced it with the ERA5 Data. EMD has ceased to update the EMD-WRF Middle East dataset as the source data is not avaialble anymore. The EMD-WRF Europe+ (ERA5) dataset is already available as the natural, higher-quality successor for the the north-western parts of this dataset. Find more information here.

Dataset Description

The mesoscale model is run at a spatial resolution of 0.029°x0.029°, approximately 3x3 km, and with hourly temporal resolution. ERA Interim data from ECMWF (http://www.ecmwf.int) is the global boundary data. The timespan of the data is back to 1994 and up until the latest available boundary data (see below for the Release Schedule). Data access is via WindPRO’s user friendly interface to on-line data and requires payment of an annual subscription fee.

Release Schedule

Data is updated monthly with approximately 3 months delay defined by ERA Interim's availability. Before contacting support because of delays in the release schedule, please check ERA interim's availability on the ERA availability page. EMD-WRF Middle East data cannot be computed before ERA interim data is available.

When downloading the most recent data, please note that the last day of the last month will be missing until the next month is added. This is because, in order to compute a full day of data, the 24:00h (or 0:00 of the following day) time stamp is required, but the last time stamp of a month in ERA interim data is 18:00 h.


The model-setup has been validated through various internal investigations on masts spatially distributed in the modelling area.
The findings (the correlations) are summarized in the datasheet available (here).

In addition to the EMD-validations, the EMD-WRF modelling setup has been evaluated in a number of external benchmarks.
We have a separate EMD-WRF Benchmark Wiki-Page that holds links to those investigations.

Dataset Parameters

A large quantity of useful parameters are available directly in WindPRO to aid in your analysis. The different parameters in the EMD-WRF Middle East dataset that are available from within WindPRO are shown in the table below.

Table: Overview of EMD-WRF Middle East Dataset Parameters (3 km grid).
Parameter Unit Description Type
time UTC time stamp
psfc Pa Pressure at site Instantaneous
msl Pa Pressure at mean sea level Instantaneous
wSpeed.x m/s Wind speeds at different physical levels (x).
Heights (x): 10m, 25m, 50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m
wDir.x deg Wind speeds at different physical levels (x).
Heights (x): 10m, 25m, 50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m
wSpeed.0-30mb m/s Wind speeds at pressure level 0-30mb. Instantaneous
wDir.0-30mb deg Wind speeds at pressure levels 0-30mb. Instantaneous
wSpeed.850hpa m/s Wind speeds at pressure level 850hPa. Instantaneous
wDir.850hpa deg Wind speeds at pressure levels 850hPa. Instantaneous
temperature.x celcius Temperatures at different heights (x)
Heights (x): 2m and 100m
waterTemp celcius Water temperature Instantaneous
soilTemp.0-10cm celcius The temperature in the upper 10 cm of the soil Instantaneous
relHumidity.2 % Relative humidity in height 2m above ground level Instantaneous
snowDepth m Snow depth (if present) Instantaneous
vis.s m Visibility at surface Instantaneous
sensHeatFlux.s w/m2 Sensible Heat Flux at surface Instantaneous
totPrecip.s kg/m^2 Total Precipitation at surface 1h Accumulated
downShortWaveFlux.s w/m2 Downward shortwave irradiance at surface 1h Average
totalCloudCover.a % Total cloud cover in atmosphere 1h Average
convCloudCover.a % Convective cloud cover in atmosphere 1h Average
Data below this line are not shown in a default import of EMD-WRF Middle-East data, but can be made available by clicking on the "+" button in the lower left corner of the import table.
rmol 1/m Inverse Monin-Obukhov-Length [1]
znt m Rougnhess length
sqrtTKE.x m/s Wind speed given as standard deviation in m/s. Derived from the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE).
Results available in different physical levels.
Heights (x): 10m, 25m, 50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m
cloudWater.100 kg/kg Parameter intended for estimating probability of icing.[2] Instantaneous
cloudIce.100 kg/m^2 Parameter intended for estimating probability of icing.[2] Instantaneous

Required Modules/Licenses

To access the EMD-WRF Middle East mesoscale data the following licenses/modules are required in your WindPRO setup:

  • Basis
  • EMD-WRF Middle East

When the license fee is paid, you then have access to the full dataset without further cost. The price is available from the price-list on the EMD-homepage. Downloading of data is unrestricted for licenced users, however, a "fair use" policy applies. Unlicenced users may download three months of data from any point, however, multiple downloads are not allowed from the same point.

Visit EMD online ordering to purchase the needed licences.


If data from this dataset is used within any private or public disseminations, then EMD and its data providers must be acknowledged.

EMD-WRF Middle East - Copyright (C) - EMD International A/S, 2019. Distribution through EMD and windPRO.
This dataset uses ERA-Iterim which is being developed through the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). 


  1. It is still being investigated whether this inverse Monin-Obukhov-Length can be used for stability clasification.
  2. 2.0 2.1 CloudWater and cloudIcing values are extracted directly from the WRF meso-scale model and are normal output parameters of the same run as the other parameters (wind, temperature etc.). They are controlled by the WRF microphysics scheme for which Ferrier was used. For further information, please access the numerous internet resources about WRF use. EMD has not done any validation on the parameters, so they are provided as is.